Week 19th – 25th January 2025
1. On Sunday 26th January, we celebrate the Day of the Word of God. This was established by Pope Francis for the third Sunday in January. On every first Friday of the month, our parish holds prayer meetings on the readings of that Sunday, to better understand and venerate the Word of God.
2. This week (18th – 25th January) is dedicated to the week of prayer for Christian Unity. The Jubilee Year is being celebrated with our brethren from other Christian churches at the Parish Church of Siggiewi, on Friday, 24th January at 6.30pm, when Archbishop Mons Charles J. Scicluna will lead an Ecumenical Prayer Service. The homily will be given by Metropolitan Archbishop Kyrillos of Melite. We are all invited to participate in this celebration; this year also marks the 1700th year since the Council of Nicea, in which St Nicholas (Patron Saint of Siggiewi) was present
3. On Friday, 24th January at 7.00pm, the Malta Catholic Youth Network (MCYN) is organising one of its youth encounters for the Jubilee year in our Parish. All young people are invited.
4. All food donated during the festive period was passed on to families in need and Pope John XXIII Peace Laboratory at Hal Far. If anyone has any hampers which they will not be using, please pass them on to the parish and they will be distributed to families in need.
5. As many of you know, proceeds from the Sponsors Club assist the parish in its annual expenditure on maintenance, utilities, running costs and other pastoral activities. Current members will receive a renewal form by email or in the post. Forms are also available near the church doors for those who would like to join.
6. The new lift has arrived and is being installed. This has been a large expenditure for the parish. Donations would be much appreciated.
7. “My Daily Gospel”, which contains all the gospels for Masses throughout 2025, together with reflections on the readings, is available from the parish bookshop at €4.25.