Week 23rd February – 1st March 2025

24 February 2025

Week 23rd February – 1st March 2025

1. Saturday 1st March will be a special and historic day for our parish: during the 6.30pm mass that day, the Archbishop Mons Charles Scicluna will consecrate our church. In preparation for this occasion, there will be three meetings held in the church, on Wednesday 26th, Thursday 27th and Friday 28th February, after the 6.30pm mass.  The themes of these meetings are:

a)    What does Consecration mean?
b)    The consecration of the Temple in Scripture
c)    The meaning of the symbols and rites of consecration.
During the celebration, the Archbishop will unveil a commemorative marble plaque.  

2. On Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th March, no Catechism lessons will be held due to the Carnival holidays. However, on Monday 3rd March a Carnival party will take place at the Parish Hall for the children attending Catechism   

3. Monday 3rd March: The Swieqi Local Council is organising a Family Outing to Tax-Xierfa, Agricultural Museum, Rabat (during school holidays). Phone SLC Tel 21373939.

4. Sponsors Club: Application forms are available near the church doors, to join or renew membership in the parish’s Sponsors Club.  

5. Our Parish is organising a 25th anniversary concert and tribute to Mons Victor Grech on Saturday 22nd March at 7.30pm at Ibraġ Parish Church.  The concert will take place under the auspices of President Emeritus Marie Louise Coleiro Preca.